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Fitness on Demand

At the Bay Club, we understand that life can be busy. That's why we're excited to introduce Fitness on Demand, your ticket to a world of digital fitness classes and workouts on your schedule.

Fitness Class


What is Fitness on Demand

Fitness on Demand is a dynamic, digital fitness platform that brings a multitude of classes and workouts right to your fingertips. It's like having a personal fitness studio at your beck and call. Fitness on Demand offers an extensive range of classes from renowned fitness brands like Jillian Michaels, Daily Burn, POPSUGAR, Sweat Factor, GymRa, SH1FT, Zumba, Move123, Les Mills, Zumba, TRX, and more. You can dive into high-energy cardio workouts, calming yoga sessions, HITT, and cycling are just a taste of what's on offer. Our classes cover a broad spectrum of fitness styles, so you will find something that resonates with you. 


To access this amazing resource, you only need an active membership at the Bay Club. It's as simple as that.


​Discover Fitness on Demand in Our Group Fitness Room

Easy Access

Access Fitness on Demand via the large-screen TV and iPad in our group fitness room. Use the iPad to browse and select a class that will play on the TV. 

We're Here to Help

Our friendly front desk staff are always here to help if you ever need assistance or have questions. 

Friends Welcome

 Bring a friend or a group of friends to work out together. It's a great way to motivate each other and create lasting fitness memories.


* Friends must also be members or have a guest pass


Sharing is Caring

The Fitness on Demand TV can be used when other classes are not in session, so please check the schedule. Additionally, you may have to share the group room with fellow members conducting their workouts. It's all about enjoying a supportive fitness community while pursuing your fitness goals.

Bay Club Group Fitness Room


Ready to join our fitness community?

Come by the Bay Club and we will get you enrolled with a membership that works for you! 

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